목록테스팅 라이브러리/React-Testing-Library (7)
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React-Testing-Library에서 목업 활용법(useSelector 등을 Mock)
useSelector, useDispatch 등의 함수는 가짜 데이터로 Mock-up 해야 한다. stackoverflow.com/questions/60011473/testing-react-redux-useselector testing react-redux useSelector I have a react application which uses react-redux, useSelector to get data from the store. The react component has function PersonDataView() { const name= useSelector(state => state.data.na... stackoverflow.com 위 게시글의 질문자에 따르면, react testing ..
테스팅 라이브러리/React-Testing-Library
2021. 1. 10. 15:52