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드래그 셀렉트 라이브러리 본문


드래그 셀렉트 라이브러리

GROWNFRESH 2021. 10. 7. 10:01

드래그하여 '셀렉트' 하는 라이브러리




GitHub - Simonwep/selection: ✨ Viselect - A simple and lightweight library to add a visual way of selecting elements, just lik

✨ Viselect - A simple and lightweight library to add a visual way of selecting elements, just like on your Desktop. Zero dependencies, super small. Support for major frameworks. - GitHub - Simonwep...




Home - Documentation

easily add a selection algorithm to your application/website. Because apparently there was nothing that does not require jquery out there. This is better than https://jqueryui.com/selectable/ or https://jqueryui.com/draggable/ and has no dependencies. We u



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